When: 03/27/2022


Number of Pax: 13

Pax Names: Black Diamond, Domo, eBoy, Frostbyte, Jimmy Choo, Kingpin, Knope, Lockout, Mud Hut, Step Stool,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Frostbyte

The BackBlast:

We didn’t have to worry about having a light in the early morning gloom thanks to Retina posting downrange with us again and blessing us with his glowing orange camo F3 shift. Retina also whipped all of us in just about everything.

The Warmup

After the standard disclaimer, we went with old standbys including SSH, Imperial Walkers, Merkins (YHC has finally caved to the standard F3 spelling), squats, shoulder routine consisting of ~5 minutes of various moves. We were joined by two 2.0s, Webslinger and Glitter Unicorn.

The Thang

The theme was 6s. The way that the number 6 played in was not apparent at first, but came into focus later on.

We started with partner work. All PAX teamed up to do the following

100 Merkins

100 Little Baby Crunches

100 Squats

One partner would hold whatever motion went with the exercise (i.e. plank for Merkins, crunch for LBCs, squat for squats) while the other knocked out 10 reps. Then, the two would trade. This continued into a collective 100 reps was achieved for each 2-person group.

Next up was a brief mosey to the FIA field where YHC has placed cones in rows, 10 yards apart, approximating the first 30 yards of a football field. The idea was to sprint to the first cone, do 6 reps of an exercise, sprint to the next, do another 6, all the way to the last cone and back to the beginning. All told, this resulted in 6 sets of 6 reps with sprints in between. Naturally, we had 6 rounds of this with different exercises. These included:




Merkin Hammers (1 each side)

Wide Merkins


YHC was not sure we would have any time left at the end, but lo and behold we had the perfect amount of time to wrap up what we started with, the partner work. The 6 portion of that became apparent as we did 3 more moves

Merkin Hammers

Wide Merkins


Between the 3 parts, this netted us 86 burpees and 172 Merkins for the day, among other exercises.

Circle of Trust

We discussed our 2nd F activity, poker night coming up 4/2/22 at Chef B’s place. We also said a prayer for Raging Cheetahs knee surgery recovery. Retina took a great group picture, although YHC forgot to get his phone number to have it shared with our Slack.

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