F3 is a national network of free, peer-led workouts for men.
We plant, grow and serve these groups to invigorate male community leadership.
F3 helps to reinvigorate the male community. F3 Salt Lake will be servicing Salt Lake City, Utah and surrounding areas.
Open to all men of any fitness level workouts are peer-led and designed to be challenging for all, while not leaving anyone behind
Bonds of genuine friendship formed in the pre-dawn Gloom and strengthened through social gatherings, races, and endurance challenges
Not a religious organization, but we believe we are not the center of the universe and challenge each other to live for something bigger than ourselves
F3 Nation in the News/Media
F3 comes from Charlotte, NC but is spreading rapidly in a grass roots fashion. If you haven’t heard of F3, here are some things to check out.
F3 was featured on the Today show in 2017 in a print and video piece.
Click for the Today show
F3 was featured on a podcast with Art of Manliness in 2017.
Click for link to Podcast
Freed to Lead is a book written by the founders of F3, Dredd and OBT. This explains why we do what we do.
Link to Book on Amazon