The BackBlast:
Palinca (Romanian Moonshine) posted downrange from Seattle and brought a FNG (Frosty) with him. Frosty is local and lives 5 minutes from MVP. After the warmarama, we mosied to the tennis courts and our first corner.
Corner 1 (10)
We ran lines there with merkins at one end and jump squats at the other with 3 burpees every time you were in between the 2 courts. 9 merkins-1 jump squat, 8 merkins-2 jump squats, 7 merkins-3 jump squats, etc.
Corner 2 (20)
20 freddie mercuries IC, 20 Flutter kicks IC, 20 little baby crunches, 20 mary coopers
Corner 3 (30)
30 Alabama Ass Kickers IC, 30 Baryshnikov squats, 30 Imperial walker squats
Corner 4 (40)
only had time left for 40 dips and 40 step ups
Finished with Namarama and @frosty got his name. Closed in prayer and then headed over to Starbucks for coffeeteria.