The BackBlast:
The dynamic duo on the east bench posted under the clear skies and bright stars at #runway.
SSH (x25 IC)
BWS (x10 IC)
Imperial Walkers (x10 IC)
LBAC (x10 fwd IC; x10 rev IC)
Merkins (x10 IC)
Willie Mays Hayes (x10 IC)
Warmup lap around the playground and covered shelter
The Thang
YHC & Sludge grabbed the variety-pack of coupons including cinder blocks (x2) & kettle bells (x2).
We lined them up at the end of the parking lot and got ready to work.
Partner coupon swap
Partner 1: KB swings (AMRAP), Partner 2: run the length of the parking lot & back. Flapjack.
Partner 1: Coupon curls (AMRMAP), Partner 2: run the length of the parking lot & back. Flapjack.
Partner 1: Coupon squat thrusters (AMRAP), Partner 2: run. Flapjack.
Partner 1: Coupon bent-over row, Partner 2: run. Flapjack.
Partner 1: Coupon squat, Partner 2: run. Flapjack.
Partner 1: KB swings, Parnter 2: run. Flapjack.
With the swing/press/curl/squat work complete… the 2 PAX grabbed the 4 coupons to take them on a scenic walk around the paved path. Each PAX farmer-carried their coupon-pair (2 cinder blocks and 2 KBs) around the loop. Each time one PAX had to set their coupons down on the ground the recovery work was engaged: 5 merkins, 5 BWS, 5 burpees OYO.
Upon the completion of one solid lap, it was time for Mary.
6MoM (6 minutes of mary).
WWIIs (x20 IC)
Merkins (x10 IC)
Flutter kicks (x20 IC)
Merkins (x10 IC)
Imperial Walkers (x10 IC)
Merkins (x10 IC)
Continued STRONG work and consistency displayed by Sludge. TClaps (triple claps) on his progress and improved health over the past few months. Stay the course!
AO growth: More work to do on continuing to grow the new east bench AO, but that will come with time. ABH (always be head-locking).