AO: Runway
When: 03/07/2023
Number of Pax: 1
Pax Names: Flux Capacitor,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Flux Capacitor
The BackBlast:
30, IC, of each: SSH, Imp. Walker, LBCs (F/R, w/ Sr. Citizen), BW Squat, Merkin (3 sets of 10 IC), Box Cutter, Abe Vigoda, Grass Grabbers
THE THANG: (w/ coupon)3 sets of 30 SC of each: CGF, alternated with 30 IC Flutter Kick/boxcutter/Freddie Mercury. Followed by 0.25 mile mosey around parking lot.3 sets of 30 SC of each: Tricep Ext, alternated with 30 IC LBCs/Dollies/Hold Plank (F/R/L). Followed by 0.25 mile mosey around parking lot.3 sets of 30 SC of each: OH Press, alternated with 30 Rev Crunch/Heels to Heaven/Glute Raise. Followed by 0.25 mile mosey around parking lot.
COT: It was just me, so really a point of trust (POT). Yesterday, at #pigface, it was just @Stimpy and I, so that was Line of Trust (LOT). Looking forward to the next beatdown and some PAX to join me!