06/30/2023 - MMF (Mount Mother Fluxer) - June 30, DOWNHILL Running Day
WARMUP: SSH, Flutter Kicks, BW Squat, 10 Sit Ups, Abe Vigoda, Imp Walker, 5 burpees THE THANG: 30 (SC) of everything w/ .25 mile loop downhill and back up MMF…
WARMUP: SSH, Flutter Kicks, BW Squat, 10 Sit Ups, Abe Vigoda, Imp Walker, 5 burpees THE THANG: 30 (SC) of everything w/ .25 mile loop downhill and back up MMF…
WARMUP: SSH, Flutter Kicks, BW Squat, 10 Sit Ups, Abe Vigoda, Imp Walker, 5 burpees THE THANG: 30 (SC) of everything w/ .25 mile loop downhill and back up MMF…
WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Imp. Walker, Mntn Climber, Abe Vigoda, LBACs, LCR Crunches (left, center, right) THE THANG: Circuit 1, at bottom of MMF, one minute each: Burpees, Mountain Climbers, Lunges,…
WARMUP: SSH, Merkins, Imp. Walker, Mntn Climber, Abe Vigoda, LBACs, LCR Crunches (left, center, right) THE THANG: Circuit 1, at bottom of MMF, one minute each: Burpees, Mountain Climbers, Lunges,…
WARMUP: SSH, Abe Vigoda, Grass Grabbers, Merkins, LBACs, Box Cutters THE THANG: A modified Sheldon Cooper: Two exercises added to the traditional four, for a total of SIX exercises each…
WARMUP: SSH, Abe Vigoda, Grass Grabbers, Merkins, LBACs, Box Cutters THE THANG: A modified Sheldon Cooper: Two exercises added to the traditional four, for a total of SIX exercises each…
WARMUP: SSH, Alternating Side Squats, BW Squats, LBACs, Merkins, Frozen Flutter Kick, Dolly, Grass Grabber, Polka, Imp. Walker THE THANG: 1. Coupon carry over to top of MMF. The coupon…
WARMUP: SSH, Alternating Side Squats, BW Squats, LBACs, Merkins, Frozen Flutter Kick, Dolly, Grass Grabber, Polka, Imp. Walker THE THANG: 1. Coupon carry over to top of MMF. The coupon…
WARMUP: SSH, BW Squat, Merkins, Abe Vigoda, LBACs, 10-count down stretch, Polka; 1/2-mile mosey (big loop) THE THANG: PAX teamed up in pairs to accomplish the following: 200 Merkins 100…
WARMUP: SSH, BW Squat, Merkins, Abe Vigoda, LBACs, 10-count down stretch, Polka; 1/2-mile mosey (big loop) THE THANG: PAX teamed up in pairs to accomplish the following: 200 Merkins 100…