When: 06/02/2023
Number of Pax: 4
Pax Names: CueBall, Flux Capacitor, Greese, MacDaddy,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Flux Capacitor
The BackBlast:
SSH, BW Squat, Merkins, Abe Vigoda, LBACs, 10-count down stretch, Polka; 1/2-mile mosey (big loop)
PAX teamed up in pairs to accomplish the following:
200 Merkins
100 WWII Sit Ups
75 Curls 4 Girls
Pax 1 began the exercise, counting toward the goal of 200/100/75. Meanwhile, PAX 2 bear crawled 10 yards, did 5 burpees, then bear crawled back 10 yards, to take over the exercise count from PAX 1. Now its PAX 1’s turn to do the 10-yd burpee bear crawl. R&R.
Box cutters, Reverse Crunches, Freddie Mercury
Salt Lake F3 Gear Order. See f3slcnews channel on Slack for order info. Lots of hikes and campout planned, see Slack.
The challenges of raising teenagers started the conversation, but we tied it back to the adage that we can’t control everything that comes at us (Sooo true for teenagers!!) but we can always control how we respond. And if we are not proud of the way we may have responded in the past, its never to late too air that out and apologize.