AO: MMF (Mount Mother Fluxer)

When: 03/03/2023


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: CueBall, MacDaddy, Sludge,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Flux Capacitor

The BackBlast:

PAX@MacDaddy @CueBall @Sludge @Flux Capacitor , Wiley (Sp?  Downrange from Chapel Hill)

SSH, BW Squat, LBACs (F/R, w/ Sr. Citizen), Merkin, Boxcutter, Grass Grabber, Abe Vigoda, Polka, Imp. Walker

Coupon arms, and abs: 50 of each exercise, in sets of 25. Each set ended with a 50-yard sprint, and at the conclusion of sprint after n=50, 8 Burpees.
Exercises were:
CFG, Boxcutters, OH Press, LBCs, Colt-45 Curls (thanks Wiley!), Freddie Mercury.
Today’s 48 burpees added to a pretty good burpee week on the East Beach AOs, eh’ MacDaddy?MARY:

Tillman Honor Run, 4.2 miles, April 29

Vacation should be about “checking out” and being with your family or whoever you’re vacationing with, if you can do that. To get there, we all need some help. In fact, we all need a little help each day, throughout our lives. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, and most importantly, to offer it to others.

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