02/02/2022 - Copper Beach - Groundhogs Day Convergence
We For the ME we completed a DORA tag F3 style with a team PAX member. Combined 100 Merkins, 150 Bradly Coopers & 200 Monkey Humpers. All while the other…
We For the ME we completed a DORA tag F3 style with a team PAX member. Combined 100 Merkins, 150 Bradly Coopers & 200 Monkey Humpers. All while the other…
4 PAX posted this morning choosing to try their hands at the “Three Degrees of Workout Glory” over the FS. Nice work @Fallout @Ganondorf @slipknot! Warmup: 16 Willie Mays Hayes (IC) 16 Side…
Nine men defeated the FS and mediocrity this morning in the gloom to take on the F3 version of the Tour de France (Tabata version) Warmup: SSH 25 (ic), LBAC…