When: 03/08/2023


Number of Pax: 2

Pax Names: Diesel, Flux Capacitor,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Flux Capacitor

The BackBlast:

SSH, BW Squat, LBACs, Abe Vigoda, Merkin, Grass Grabbers, Boxcutters, Imp. Walker
A repeat of the solo workout from #runway on the previous day, but here, today, at #MVP, there were TWO of us.
(w/ coupon) 3 sets of 30 SC of each: CGF, alternated with 30 IC Flutter Kick/boxcutter/Freddie Mercury. Followed by short mosey to end of road and back. Then 3 sets of 30 SC of each: Tricep Ext, alternated with 30 IC LBCs/Dollies/Hold Plank (F/R/L). Followed by short mosey to end of road and back. Then 2 sets of 30 SC of each: OH Press, alternated with 30 American Hammer, 30 Reverse Crunch. Ended with short mosey to end of road and back.


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