When: 01/11/2023
Number of Pax: 4
Pax Names: CueBall, Flux Capacitor, MacDaddy, Sludge,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: MacDaddy
The BackBlast:
4 Pax took advantage of the 11 in the month for an epic 11 beatdown in the snow at #mvp. Way to go @Flux Capacitor @CueBall and @Sludge. Didn’t get as far as we had hoped because of the shuttle bus, but no worries, we can pick up the other passengers next month. Taking advantage of the 2 pavilions at MVP that are 100 yards apart, we shuttled (mosey’d) in between both in the slush to make up our 11’s.
20 BW Squats IC
10 Willie Mays Hay’s IC
10 Abe Vigoda’s IC
10 Grass Grabbers IC
15 Front Seal Claps IC
15 Moroccan Night Clubs IC
15 LBAC IC in reverse
15 Hillbillies
The Thang
Pavilion 1…10 Jump Squats IC
Shuttle (mosey) the 100 yards to Pavilion 2…1 Step up IC
Shuttle back to pavilion 1…9 jump squats IC
Shuttle to pavilion 2…2 Step ups IC…shuttle back…and so on.
When we finished with that set of 11, we moved to Man Makers with monkey humpers. We were saved by the bell and finished at 5 Man Makers and 6 Monkey humpers IC on our last set before we ran out of time. We ended up doing:
55 Jump Squats IC
55 Step Ups IC
45 Man Makers
45 Monkey Humpers IC
2 miles of shuttle bus between pavilions.
The other passengers that we will pick up at a later date were
Pavilion 1 Pavilion 2
Carolina Dry Docks Merkins
Bradley Cooper’s Freddie Mercury’s
Overhead press IC Burpee
Bonnie Blair’s IC Lunges IC
Finished with Namarama, Family Photo, Coffee and Prayer. Great work out there leaders.