When: 11/30/2022
Number of Pax: 3
Pax Names: Flux Capacitor, MacDaddy, Sludge,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: MacDaddy
The BackBlast:
3 pax beat the heat this morning at MVP.
SSH IC x 25
Little Tin Soldiers IC x20
Willie Mays Hays IC x10
Abe Vigodas x10
LBAC forward IC…15 forward, 15 cross over cherry pickers, 15 reverse
Imperial walkers IC 15
Thang. 3 stations with three bad ideas each
Station 1…baryshnikov squats (amrap) for 1:30, step ups (amrap) for 1:30, leg extensions (amrap) for 1:30. 20 seconds rest in between each, then come back for seconds of each. Leg extensions had to be modified. Tried to put feet through coupon and sit on top of picnic table and extend legs, but coupon wouldn’t cooperate. Modified to leg extensions without coupon and/or knee ups while on edge of picnic table.
Station 2…CFTG (amrap) for 1:30, dips (amrap) for 1:30, merkins (amrap) for 1:30. 20 seconds rest in between each, then repeat set again.
Station 3…Arm extension with coupon (amrap) for 1:30, side bends with coupon (amrap) for 1:30, Alabama Ass Kickers IC (amrap) for 1:30. 20 seconds rest in between each, then repeat set again. Arm extension (I am sure not the correct name)…lay down on back on the seat of picnic table with shoulders at the end of seat and head hanging over (can also be done on ground), hold coupon (with arms fully extended and locked) above face, while keeping arms locked in extended position, move coupon 90 degrees to above head, and then back to starting position. Side bends (also I am sure not the correct name)…while holding coupon in left hand, bend to the left working the left oblique…after about 30 seconds, switch to the right hand and do the same, then back to the left for last 30 seconds. reverse the order for 2nd set.
Finished with prayer…Prayed for DOMO and for shorttimer, as he heads back in a few days to the Marine Corp.
Flux Capacitor and I enjoyed a little coffee in the park afterwards for some extra fellowship. Warmed up the cold.