AO: Runway

When: 10/28/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: MacDaddy, Sludge, Thighmaster,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Blue Bag

QIC: Genie (from F3 Phoenix)

The BackBlast:

Q: @genie
PAX: @thighmaster, @macdaddy @NCMO @sludge
FNGs: @blue bag
DRs: @Moscow Mule

Warm up
Motivators x7
Grass grabbers
Worlds greatest stretch
Coach Primes
hillbilly walkers
All IC ~15

The Thang:
Mosey to the tennis courts. Agassi (suicides) across two courts – anytime you cross courts, you gotta lunge across! Celebrate w/ 10 fire hydrants per side IC.
Pax then split into two groups at the top of each court and worked sprints, backpedals, and side shuffles across both courts. Celebrated with 20 James Braddocks. Repeato back to the start where everybody’s favorite musical artist (Contrary to a popular Eminem line), Moby, was waiting for us. Pax held Al Gore to “Sally up/Sally down” with and opportunity to stretch legs briefly at the top of a squat on “up”.
1771 – each end always adds to 8 – flip flop exercise at either end V-Ups and Jump Squats
2 Merkins in the middle in one direction and 2 Burpees in the middle coming back
So 7 Vups and 1 JumpSqt running out 2 merkins in the middle
7 JumpSqt and 1 Vup running back 2 burpees
Keep repeating with the numbers reversing 2 and 6 middle work 6 and 2 middle work until the numbers are flip flopped


Variations of Guantanamo with Pax seemingly taking out their frustration anytime they had an opportunity to slam down the feet of YHC. Circled up and completed J-Los both sides and Shakiras all ICx10.


countarama, namearama. Named our DR FNG – welcome Blue Bag! Wing and movie night this week for some solid 2nd F and a 100 merkin/day challenge coming next month :grimacing:. Please support a VQ coming to you this Saturday!

Took a knee and expressed gratitude for an incredible morning and a quick story about mindset and looking to where in our life we can make unwavering commitments to finish and not even fathom failure! Be Great

Genie, from F3 Phoenix

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