AO: The Shores
When: 05/20/2022
Number of Pax: 5
Pax Names: Cool Runnings, Geronimo, Implant, Trinity,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Longhaul
The BackBlast:
Imperial Walkers and Hill Billys
LBAC (Tie Fighter Fonzie style)
Mosey to Pullup Hill.
Run up Pull-up Hill (10 pull ups)
Run down the Hill (10 Bonnie Blair jump tuck squats, IC)
Run halfway up the hill (10 derkin burpees)
Run the rest of the way up the hill (10 spiderman pushups, IC)
Run down the hill (10 monkey humpers, IC)
Run backwards up the hill (Quadraphilia style), 15 dips (IC)
Run halfway down the hill (alternating high and low plank)
Run down the hill (15 Bonnie Blairs IC)
Run halfway up the hill, run back to the flag. (We also did a situp medley not sure when)
2 minute plank.
COT- Discussed the ups and downs in life and the importance of maintaining perspective.