When: 03/10/2023
Number of Pax: 2
Pax Names: Flux Capacitor, Greese,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Flux Capacitor
The BackBlast:
SSH, BW Squat, LBACs, Imp. Walker, Merkin, Boxcutters
A repeat of the workout from #runway & #mvp, done earlier in the week. No sense in coming up with a new beatdown every day, if its just me and one other PAX. right?
(w/ coupon) 3 sets of 30 SC of each: CGF, alternated with 30 IC Flutter Kick/boxcutter/can’t remember. Followed by short mosey around parking lot.
Then 3 sets of 30 SC of each: Tricep Ext, alternated with 30 SC LBCs/Reverse Crunches/Freddie Mercury. Followed by short mosey around the parking lot.
Then 3 sets of 30 SC of each: OH Press, alternated with Hold Plank, one minute each, Front, Left, Right. Ended with some Mary
box cutters, flutter kicks, Freddie Mercury