AO: MMF (Mount Mother Fluxer)

When: 03/17/2023


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: CueBall, Flux Capacitor, Greese, MacDaddy, Sludge,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Flux Capacitor

The BackBlast:

SSH, BW Squat, LBC (F/R, w/ Sr. Citizen interlude), Hillbillies, Abe Vigoda, Shamrock (grass) grabbers, merkins, box cutters.
Leprechaun (9 letters, 9 reps each, some IC)
L = Lion Kings, w/ coupon, SC, OYO
E = Burpees, SC, OYO, cause Leprechauns are tricksters !
P= Plank Jacks, IC
R = Run UP Mount Mother Fluxer
E = Burpees, SC, OYO
C= Curls FTGs, w/ coupon, IC
H= Hurpees (hand release Burpee), SC, OYO
A= American Hammer, w/ coupon, IC
U= Upright Rows, w/ coupon, IC
N= No Surrender, IC

We Completed 2.3333 rounds of LEPRECHAUN, accomplishing among other things, a 63-Burpee count !!

Flux is out next M,T, W;
Grow Ruck in Boise….a ways away….
We all come from different backgrounds, experiences, and ways of thinking about things. Different perspectives and viewpoints are the rule, not the exception. We should avoid jumping to automatic negative thoughts, and certainly avoid ascribing evil or malevolence to those who think or believe differently from ourselves.

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