AO: Copper Beach
When: 01/18/2023
Number of Pax: 3
Pax Names: Kingpin, Stimpy, Thighmaster,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: ThighMaster
The BackBlast:
3 PAX met in the windy cool gloom to crush a mid-week beatdown.
Today’s workout was the late F3 Cardinal’s VQ.
Disclaimer given – focused on the seemingly slippery ground.
SSH IC – 15
Tempo Merkins – 10
Flutter kicks IC – 10
LBAC forward, reverse with hallelujahs in the middle IC – 10 each
Cherry Pickers – 10
Samson Hold – 30 Secs
The Thang
Part 1 – 5 reps each: Burpees, BBS, and Heels to Heaven; The run lap around the sidewalk around the parking lot. Then Repeat.
Part 2 – 10 reps each: Burpees, LBC, Mt Climbers (IC); then run lap. Then Repeat.
Part 3 – 15 reps each: Burpees, Air Squats, Freddy Mercury (air bikes) IC. Then Repeat.
Part 4 – 20 Burpees. Run Lap. Repeat.
We finished as the clock expired. Totaled 1.3 miles, 100 Burpees, and a bunch of other stuff
Great work – and discussion along the way with Stimpy and Kingpin.
- SLT Meeting Options (I’ll follow-up in Slack)
- Prayers
- F3 Cardinal, his family, and his F3 Brothers.
- Flush and the passing of his Mother
- Domo’s treatment
- Us as fathers to be intentional and tuned into our kids
It was an honor to prepare and complete this beat down in memory of F3 Cardinal. As I prepared for this one, I was thinking about him probably stressing over his VQ, like we all have. That night before wondering if it will work out and how to adapt on the fly. The consensus – he planned a great VQ. We had some hard work with the burpees – and a test of cardio. Good Beatdown Cardinal, RIP brother.
We shared some thoughts today that Flush had shared. He saw his Mom for lunch regularly and took his kids with him. We should all stay intentional with making time with family. Also, Flush talked about recent parenting focuses of leaning in to things his kids are interested in – as time moves fast and they are growing fast. Great thoughts for us all.
Until next time,