When: 01/06/2023
Number of Pax: 4
Pax Names: Frostbyte, Jimmy Choo, Kingpin, Thighmaster,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Jimmy Choo
The BackBlast:
Warm up
- Willie Mays Haze IC 10
- Imperial walkers IC 20
- Little baby arm circles IC 20 x 20
- Jack Reacher IC 20
- Merkins 30
- The goof ball
The Thang
- we went to four corners of the AMP
- First corner: wide merkins 20, squats IC 20
- Second corner: lounges 20, burpees 20
- Third corner: CB Squats 20, jump squats IC 20
- Fourth corner, plank with switching our hand the back 20, Chris cross 20
- Second round
- First corner: Merkins 20, Diamond Merkins 20
- Second corner: plank jacks IC 20, mount climbers IC 20.
- Third corner: jump squats IC 20, soldier kicks IC 20
- Fourth corner: plank with switching our hand (the flex) IC 10, shoulder taps IC 10.