05/30/2021 - AMP - Frostbyte 1K

Earlier this week, Stimpy hosted the “Stimpy 500” (500 reps of things dreamed up by Stimpy). YHC figured we should take that a bit further in teams and reach for…

05/16/2021 - The Shadows - Q School

This workout was different than most. The objectives were 1) remind everyone of the purpose/tenants/motto/definitions for F3 and 2) give everyone a chance to lead a portion. YHC had a…

02/26/2021 - AMP - Triple Double

YHC had visions of a catchy-sounding ‘Triple-Double” workout with easy math and only 2 exercises. The name and choosing the exercises proved to be easy. The actual math and the…

01/23/2021 - The Shadows - Skirpees

YHC was watching the weather closely for this one. A Slack channel post for #TheShadows has the dets, but the short version was we had equal chances of boom (several…

01/02/2021 - The Shadows - Bite-sized Murph

Warmup PAX trickled in as the warmup progressed. We were happy to welcome back Radio and Hollywood after a few week’s absence. 10-20 each of Side Shuffle Hop, ‘Mericans, Little…