AO: Runway

When: 07/27/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Coco, Flux Capacitor, Kingpin, Lockout, Sludge,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: ThighMaster

The BackBlast:

There are days when you feel tired and wondering why you are even out of bed so early and headed to an AO.

This was one of those days.  A late-ish night of 2nd F with many F3 brothers and their Ms and 2.0s at the Salt Lake Bees game – was great fun, but not getting to bed on time left me dragging.

If only there was a cure…

Showing up at the Runway AO always lifts your spirits and is a good start. It’s a great park in East Sandy and soon there were a total of 7 PAX ready to turn this day around.


SSH IC x 25

Willie Mays Hays IC x 10

Hillbillies IC x 10

Merkins x 10 (don’t recover…go to next one)

Plank Jacks x 20 IC

Mosey around the parking lot.

Since Flux was out last week in Mexico drinking beer on the beach, we had to make sure he got reacquainted  with an old friend – so we added an extra mosey to the base of Mount Mother Fluxxer. And then ran up it as fast as we could, right through the sprinklers.  Welcome back Flux!

The Thang

We headed to the Soccer fields on the north west part of the park.  I brought back a greatest hit from last summer with “Box Thing”.

4 Cones spread far apart (width of soccer field) creating the shape of box, and then add a 5th cone in the middle for home base (0).  The routine would be to start in the center and do the prescribed exercise – then RYO to the the first corner of the box and do the exercise – then RYO back to the center to repeat the center exercise – and back to corner 2 and so on and so on.

Round One:  Chest

0- Merkins

1- Diamond Merkins 10

2 – Hand Release Merkins 10

3 – Shoulder Tap Merkins 10

4 – Superman Merkins 10

Round Two: Legs

0- Squats 20

1 – Monkey Humpers 20

2 – Smurf Jacks – 20 IC

3- Lunge Steps – 10 each leg

4 – Star Jump / Bomb Jacks – 25 (added 5 as a bonus for the chatty PAX)

Moseyed back to the Flag for a few flutter kicks.


Announcements and prayer requests: Hike of Lone Peak on August 7th, Coco’s crew is head back to Carolina on Thursday morning, Sniper out with injury (Ribs).

Congrats to Flux and his wife for 25 years of marriage!

….Runway workout with my F3 brothers was the cure. We worked hard. We laughed. We joked. We pushed it. And just like that, the feelings of tired and sluggishness are gone and I’m ready for the day. As Coco shared – we never regret posting – we only regret the FS.

I’m grateful for the bond we share, and the way we push each other to physical and mental health.

Always an honor to Q an F3 Workout.

Humbly, YHC – ThighMaster

(not in the drop down is F3 Dunkin who was in attendance. We’ve been fortunate to have Dunkin with us for several weeks this summer)

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