AO: The Shadows

When: 08/21/2021


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Domo, Frostbyte, Gold Digger, Jimmy Choo, Sandbag, Thighmaster,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: RoboCall

QIC: ThighMaster

The BackBlast:

9 PAX including a 2.0 were greeted by clear skies and great weather as the smoke from the California fires had decreased significantly.

I was given the opportunity to Q last night and I jumped at the chance, but did borrow most of this workout from an F3 Omaha backblast. (A tip for anyone Q-ing, go to Google and search “F3 Backblast” and read ideas from all around the country).

After a disclaimer and Welcome to an FNG (name coming later in BB)…


SSH IC x 25

Willie Mays Hayes IC x 10

LBAC IC x 16 (forward and reverse)

5 Burpees OYO

Slow squats IC x 10 (Gold Digger suggested renaming these “she saids” because they are Slow and Deep.

— during the warm-up, I mixed in reminders of the 5 core principles and the F3 credo.–


Coupons left at the cones, another set of cones placed approximately 40 yards out.

Mosey to the far set of cones, IPW IC x 10, Mosey back to starting cones and perform 15 Derkins on the blocks.

Sprint to far cones, Carolina Dry Docks IC x 10, Sprint back to cones and perform 15 Erkins on the blocks.

Run backward to cones, High knees IC x 10, Run backwards to cones and perform 10 IC curls to overhead press.

Karaoke to cones, butt kickers IC x 10, karaoke back to cones and perform 10 squats with blocks.

Then…partner up, with one block per pair and Mosey to Rock garden area…


Using the track around the rock garden…

Lap 1 – Partner A starts walking around track while doing a rifle carry, Partner B does 5 Burpees and runs to catch up, then flapjack (trade places). Continue around the track until back to start, then do Bradley Coopers (Big boy sit ups) while you wait for the six.

Lap 2 – Both partners, standing side by side each grab half the block and start to mosey around the track. The block buddy relay continued all the way around, only pausing so partners can switch arms. When back, hold plank until six returns.

Lap 3 – Partner A starts with a one arm farmer carry, while partner B does 10 Merkins and runs to catchup. Do decline Bradley Cooper’s while waiting for the six.

Lap 4 – repeat the block buddy relay from lap two.

When all PAX are back – mosey with blocks back to the flag.

Last routine – playing “Thunderstruck” by AC/DC the PAX held a Plank – and then performed a merkin each time the word THUNDER was said in the song. This was done as a nod to the heavy rain and thunder we had in Salt Lake valley this week. I also imagine Frostbyte and his coworkers at the national weather service playing this song during big storms…this was NOT confirmed by Frostbyte.


Welcome to FNG Robo Call!!

We acknowledged Kingpin and his wife’s 31st anniversary!

We acknowledged Knope out running a half marathon in the Herriman trail race series this morning.

We prayed for…Hollywood and all that he is facing, Jimmy Choo’s process of getting renters, Gold Digger’s job search, and Sandbag’s coworker James who just lost his daughter to Covid.

Always an honor and a challenge to Q an F3 workout. May we all continue to get a little better each day so we can lead and love those around us well!

Humbly YHC,



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