03/04/2023 - The Shadows - Guess who’s Back!
I may have missed some names! I tried to remember everyone. We had an 18PAX on YHCs cotter Q! I missed the men. Glad for BigTee to ruffle my feathers…
I may have missed some names! I tried to remember everyone. We had an 18PAX on YHCs cotter Q! I missed the men. Glad for BigTee to ruffle my feathers…
6 PAX showed up at Copper Beach to earn their turkey with some PILGRIM Training. Awesome to have our brother Knope return for Thanksgiving. Also, great down range post by…
It was a great Saturday at the Shadows! One of the biggest days we’ve had with 20 PAX, including an FNG, and a couple down range posters. The disclaimer was…
Warmup Side shuffle hops IC 20 little baby arm circle IC 20 Michael Phelps IC 10 Willie Maze Haze IC 10 Shoulder taps IC 20 The Thang 100 walking lounges…
Warmup Side shuffle IC Grass grabbers IC Willie May Hayes IC Little baby arm circle IC Mousse Thang 20 x 7 merkins: 140 20 x 7 curl for the girls:…
2 super sets with a 1/4 mile run to start off the round! Run 1 lap. super set 1: 6 burpee jump over. 20 Sandbag Bent over rows. …
Warmup 30 – side shuffle hops IC 10 – baby arm circle forward and reverse IC 10 – jack reacher IC 20 – Grass grabbers IC Side bear around the…
Started with a warmup, and a quick jog around the park. Side spider Jump Merkins 10/15/20 Merkins claps 10/15/20 Merkins rollover 10/15/20 Spider crawl Squads 10/20 Bonnie Blairs 10/20 Box…
Warm Up SSH 25 IC Little baby arm circles, seal claps, overhead seal claps, jack reachers, and reverse fonzies. IC Merkins IC Grass grabbers IC Willie Mays Hays IC …
Started with a warmup Quick jog Started with 5 pull-ups Every other tree total: 145 merkins 145 squads 6 light poles: 30 burpees Sledding workout: 2 times sledding Multiple Bradley…