AO: Elk Lodge

When: 10/19/2020


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: ChefB, Coco, Gold Digger, Kingpin, Punchout,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Punchout

The BackBlast:


25 SSH

15 Arm Circle (each way)

10 Squats

10 Merkins

1 Lap around the school



Deck of Death

Hearts = Monkey Humper

Spades = Burpees

Clubs = SSH

Diamonds = Bradley Cooper

Jokers = 50 Calf Raises

Totals = 140 reps of each workout and 100 Calf Raises

The PAX finished with 2 mins left and were rewarded with some Peter Parkers and Parker Peters


Coco announced he is leaving for North Carolina this Saturday and he is handing over Elk Lodge Site Q to Doubletree and YHC while his gone for the next 2 months

Coco still needs someone to step up as a Site Q for the Runway AO. Anyone interested DM Coco on Slack

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