10/12/2022 - Copper Beach - Block party

Warm up 20 side shuffle hops IC 20 little baby arm circle forward and reverse IC 10 Willie Mays Haze 10 Minnesota Tyson Mousse Thang 45 Burpees 20 Block Squads…

09/30/2022 - AMP - The Hills

Warmup Side shuffle hops IC 20 little baby arm circle IC 20 Michael Phelps IC 10 Willie Maze Haze IC 10 Shoulder taps IC 20 The Thang 100 walking lounges…

06/24/2022 - AMP - Yellow Brick Road

Warmup 30 – side shuffle hops IC 10 – baby arm circle forward and reverse IC 10 – jack reacher IC 20 – Grass grabbers IC Side bear around the…