AO: Copper Beach

When: 03/09/2022


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Big Tee, ChefB, Doogie, Frostbyte, Jimmy Choo, Kingpin, Knope, Thighmaster,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: ThighMaster

The BackBlast:

The snow was heavy. The plows weren’t out yet. Roads were a mess. Not many people would think this was a good time to head out for a workout with their buddies…

When I pulled into Copper Beach, there were no cars. I wondered for a minute if the 6 inches of snow was too much.

But then, one by one, cars emerged through the heavy snow.  Soon we had 8 PAX who thought posting on a day like today was a fabulous idea.

A Disclaimer was given – including a warning about moving through the snow.


SSH IC x 20

LBAC IC x10 forward; 10 IC reverse

Squats IC x 20

Grass Grabber IC x 10

5 Burpees OYO

PAX then moseyed around the track to the South of the park and returned to the covered picnic table area. This run through the deep snow was much harder than normal. Since I had planned several laps in The Thang, this workout was certain to be good.

The Thang 

The PAX partnered up and we ran a partner circuit. One partner would run the snow loop, while the other stayed back and did as many reps as possible.

First Two Rounds – Exercises: (repeat circuit until partner returns)

  • 12 Merkins (bonus for doing them in the deep snow)
  • 24 Dips
  • 36 Squats

Rounds three and four

  • 12 Snurpees
  • 24 Derkins (feet on bench, hands on ground)
  • 36 Squats (pivoted away from Box Jumps due to wet ground)

Round five

  • 12 Bonnie Blairs (each leg)
  • 24 Erkins (feet on ground, hands on picnic tables)
  • 36 Monkey Humpers

Noteworthy – in the final 5 minutes or so of the workout, Knope channeled his inner Canadian, as well as gave a nod to F3 Salt Lake’s Godfather, Coco – and took off his shirt. Soon all but one PAX followed this bad idea.

The PAX wrapped up the workout with 5 Snurpees OYO, sans shirts.



  • While it’s easy to complain about the snow, the cold, or a million other things – we talked about being grateful.  While we enjoy peace and freedom, there are over 2 Million people in the Ukraine who are displaced due to the war.
  • New Gear Order coming. Gold Digger to coordinate.
  • Poker Night coming April 2nd. Chef B organizing this one
  • Prayer requests:
    • The people of Ukraine
    • Longhaul’s Mother
    • Domo’s neck/back

In the end, the heavy snow, the shirtless finish, and the strong push from the 8 PAX will result in a very memorable morning at Copper Beach.

Always grateful to Q an F3 Workout. What a group of PAX we have in Salt Lake.



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