AO: Copper Beach

When: 09/09/2020


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Coco, Hollywood, Kingpin, Quick Books, Thighmaster,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Hollywood & Coco

The BackBlast:

Hollywood & YHC shared Q duties in the cool, gloomy morning at Copper Beach.  While Hollywood led the charge into the sprinklers earlier in the week for IPC Wk2, today’s low 40-degree weather suggested we should stay dry.  With a few pivots based on unplanned waterworks on one end of the parking lot, we were off.

SSH (x20) IC
Imperial Walkers (x10) IC
Hillbillys (x10) IC
Merkins (x10) IC

The Thang
YHC made the unfortunate decision to poke the bear last night by telling Hollywood he was getting soft.  To make sure that rumor doesn’t begin spreading… Hollywood laid down some serious work for the PAX to muscle through.   Simple…but brutal.

Burpee/Bonnie Blair Ladder
20 burpees on one end of the parking lot… run to the other side… 20 Bonnie Blairs.
18 burpees…run…18 Bonnie Blairs
16 burpees…run…16 Bonnie Blairs.

While the PAX were sufficiently smoked; we moved on to an ‘active recovery’ session with one final lap around the park.
4 corners (uh, er… turns?) with 25 total reps at each; x4
8-count body builders (IC) x5
Hand-release merkins (IC) x5
Bradley Coopers (SC) x5
Jump Squats (SC) x5

We finished with 2 mins of light stretching and flexibility work.
(Note to self.  Do MORE of this).

TClaps to Kingpin for gaining clearance for our 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb at Bingham High School.  0530 launch
Continued prayers for all those experiencing significant change during this COVID-crazy time.
Good luck to the PAX going through interviews.  Stay strong for each other.  Reach to a buddy if/when things get rough.

-Coco (& Hollywood)

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