When: 08/20/2022
Number of Pax: 8
Pax Names: Big Tee, Domo, eBoy, Franck, Frostbyte, Kingpin, MacDaddy,
Number of FNGS: 1
FNG Names: Franck
QIC: Frostbyte
The BackBlast:
Typical Shadows blend of SSH, Mericans, Squats, Imperial Walkers, Willie Mays Hayes, Grass Grabbers, and Little Baby Arm Circles (lasting for a while and transitioning to Angry Fonzies). Finished with a half-lap mosey to the pullup bars.
The Thang
Part I:
While everyone else filled time with OYO WWII situps (aka Bradley Coopers), the PAX took on the pull-up bar one at a team, banging out 10 reps each or as close as they could get.
Part II:
For our travel to Merlot Hill, we did an EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) consisting of an ascending burpee pyramid while en route. Made it to 6 burpees as we reached the foot of Merlot Hill.
Part III:
Two exercises were presented: superman claps (YHC not sure what this is actually called and could not find in the exicon, but laying on stomach with feet and hands in the air, clap in front and in back keeping arms 6 inches off the ground), and X-factors. PAX split up with half starting at the bottom of the hill and half at the top. Commencing the exercise, each group did 15 in cadence of their assigned station and then ran up or down the hill to the other station, continuing up and down. After about 20 minutes YHC called it. When the Q is out of breath to bark orders, it’s a good thing!
Part IV:
Another burpee pyramid EMOM on the way back to the shadows field, this time descending starting with 6. Made it to 2 on the way back by the time the six was picked up.
Part V:
15 minutes of Mary, or thereabouts, split between opposite ends of the field on our way back to the flag, with a mosey in between. Finished with guest Qs from the PAX. Covered Bradley Coopers, Prairie Coopers, Flutter Kicks, Freddie Mercurys, and Merican Hammers.
Circle of Trust
Named our interior designer FNG “Franck” after a character from Father of the Bride that held the same position. Some confusion as we thought the character was “Franz”, but Google cleared up later. Offered up prayers for Flush’s family, and spoke the good news of upcoming Iron Pax.