AO: Copper Beach
When: 08/17/2022
Number of Pax: 6
Pax Names: Domo, Doogie, Kingpin, MacDaddy, Stimpy, Thighmaster,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: ThighMaster
The BackBlast:
6 PAX emerged from the darkness to get better – and when I say Dark – man it felt like Fall was coming because pitch blank and officially headlamp season.
The inspiration for today’s beat down comes from Tweaker for F3 Alpha in Atlanta – I stole/borrowed his Plus 5 idea and make a couple tweaks to fit our AO and some of my ideas.
Disclaimer was given – and even clarified the meaning of modify as needed.
SSH IC x 20
LBAC forward IC x 25
LBAC reverse IC x 11 (Sorry, Knope – didn’t feel like evening it out today)
IPW IC x 15
Shoulder Taps IC x 15 (didn’t let the PAX recover until the following two exercises were complete)
Mountain Climbers IC x 15
Plank Jacks IC x 15
Time to Mosey…or something
The Thang (PLUS 5)
The PAX started to Mosey Around the Track to the South of the Park.
I stopped them along the way to drop 8 cones – each with an exercise taped to it. We did 5 Reps of Each.
- Burpees
- Hand Release Merkins
- X Factor – IC
- Singlet Merkin (6 count each rep)
- Burpee
- Bonnie Blair (each leg does each rep)
- Dips IC – done at the small gazebo by basketball court
- Derkins – done at the large gazebo near volleyball court
After we completed one lap of 5 reps as described above, the PAX were instructed to do another lap, but PLUS 5 to the REPS. Then without break, do a 2nd lap with another PLUS 5 to the previous total (now 15).
The PAX crushed this, but that lap ended up being pretty hard.
To wrap up our workout we gathered around the flag and offered a tribute to the very raining stormy hike the Peak Bagger Crew attempted over the weekend – and played Thunderstruck with the PAX holding a plank and doing Burpees with each mention of THUNDER.
Luckily the clock ran out and we didn’t get through the last bit of the song. The crew was smoked – great work boys.
- Presented Stimpy, the Site Q for Pigface, as well as the Weasel Shaker for F3 Salt Lake – a new shovel flag for Pigface. I might add, it was looking glorious in his selected purple color.
- Talked about Ax Throwing with Jimmy Choo
- Discussed our 3rd Anniversary as a Region, coming up in September
- Started thinking about when to do Iron Pax as well.
Today was definitely a day where the workout didn’t seem that hard on paper, but turned into a pretty big effort for the PAX.
Kudos to these men for stepping into the Gloom and getting better today.
Until next time,