AO: The Shadows
When: 12/31/2022
Number of Pax: 12
Pax Names: Big Tee, Black Diamond, Domo, Frostbyte, Jimmy Choo, Kingpin, Mayhem, Mud Hut, NCMO, PETA, Starbucks, Thighmaster,
Number of FNGS: 2
FNG Names: Peta, Starbucks
QIC: ThighMaster
The BackBlast:
The challenge was to Finish Strong – and 12 PAX + 2 2.0s showed up at The Shadows to meet that challenge on New Year’s Eve.
While the weather was warm, it was wet with light rain falling and surprisingly dark at the beginning.
Impressive, 2 men chose this wet dark morning to make their first post. Welcome FNG’s Starbucks and PETA!
Disclaimer given + the F3 Credo shared, then we set out to say goodbye to 2022.
SSH IC x 22
LBAC forward IC x 22 – OH Seal Claps IC x 22 – Angry Fonzis IC x 22 (recover)
Imperial Walkers IC x 22
Clock Merkins – 3 at each hour – but the final hour we did 10 (counted down to New year)
Mosey around the track to the bathrooms – then across the field and back to the flag.
The Thang
PAX moved to the Rock Garden Track – with coupons in Rifle Carry Position for the most part.
As 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit, we partnered up – with one partner, The Rabbit, loaded with both coupons (Farmer Carry Style) and began to move around the track. The other partner started the first exercise – then went to catch up.
Exercise one: Burpees. 5 per person for each stop, going toward 50 accumulative for the pair.
Exercise two: Bonnie Blairs 10 for each leg (20 total), going toward total of 100 accumulative (200 total both legs) for the pair.
Exercise three: Merkins. 15 per person for each stop, going toward a total of 150 for the pair.
This got pretty rough. YHC spent more time thinking about the exercise – didn’t realize the impact of so much farmer carry.
Proud of the way the PAX pushed on this. The group seemed pretty smoked about 45 minutes in – but continue to grind it out.
In the end, we hit almost 2.0 miles of movement today, most of it was carrying coupons.
File this under things I’d never do alone.
I took a moment to reflect and share with the PAX about the year that has passed. We have seen both great personal times and some hard times for our PAX. We’ve been together through it all. For F3 Salt Lake, celebrated our 3rd anniversary and we added two additional AOs on the East Side, pushing our total to 14 (13 locations rolling + 1 seasonal). We did 4 Peak Bagger Events (failed one), many coffeeterias and 2nd Fs, Iron Pax, and the Hundo Challenge (100 merkins a day for the final 60 days of the year) to name a few.
Encouraged the guys to be intentional toward their families. Lead the way at home in acknowledging the accomplishments and trials of the past year. Then, lets lead our families well in 2023. Not just our own goals, but what about our Ms? our 2.0s? let’s don’t let them float, lets come along side each person we are leading and help them move forward.
We also talked about 1st F – stepping forward to post more and to Q more in the year ahead. Kingpin, our 1st F Q is ready to support. For 2nd F – we talked about sharing the things that we each enjoy with each other more in the year ahead and even little things about going to lunch during the work week. Our 2nd F Q, Jimmy Choo is ready to support and help get events off the ground. For 3rd F – we talked about the need for us to grow and do more in our community. If F3 Salt Lake wasn’t here, would our community notice? let’s come together to find needs and then meet them. Our 3rd F Q, Gold Digger has a huge heart and is ready to help us make an impact.
We prayed today for NCMO & his M as they expect their first baby coming next week, Domo’s fight and treatment resuming next week, and for Big Tee to find treatment answers for his back.
I’m honored to be apart of such a great group of guys. May we be grateful for the year that passed, and then push into 2023 with a desire to be stronger physically and mentally. Always grateful to Q an F3 workout.
Until next year,