11/23/2022 - Footloose - Thankful for Body
warm up: 41 SSH IC, karaoke, 10 Merkins, 25 Imperial Walkers IC, 1/3 mile mosey main event: rotating Q leading exercise they are grateful their body they can do. Yield:…
warm up: 41 SSH IC, karaoke, 10 Merkins, 25 Imperial Walkers IC, 1/3 mile mosey main event: rotating Q leading exercise they are grateful their body they can do. Yield:…
3 PAX Ascended on Kevin Bacon for a 4 corners burnout. T-Claps for @longhaul ec run to the AO. Extra T-Claps for doing it with a code brown Warm…
4 PAX came out to #kevinBacon for a football field ladder HIIT. Warm-up 20 SSH 15 HILLBILLIES 10 GRASS GRABBERS MOSEY TO LEHI HIGH Main Event Sprint 25 yards, do…
It was a cold drizzle that met us on the field this AM. Also, it seems, the city of Lehi dropped off something resembling pull up bars. Warm-up Imperial walkers…
Warm-a-rama 20 Willie Mays Hayes 20 Imperial Walkers 10 LBAC forward 10 LBAC Backward 10 Seal Claps 10 Randys 10 Jack Reachers 20 Squats Mosey to the School. The Thang…
4 PAX got more familiar with the exicon this Monday morning with a game of Balderdash. YHC dug deep into the exicon to find the most obscure exercises that not…
Warmarama: 25 SSH WILLY MAYS HAYS X20 ARMAGEDDON MOSEY THE THANG Brought out big ol tire to do some flipping in between our DORA of blimps. PAX took turns doing…
Warmup: Side Straddle Hops Abe Vigoda Tie fighters Main event x2 Stone Swings x15 in cadence each Stoned Bonnie Blair’s x15 in cadence Monkey humpers x15 in cadence Stone cutters…
5 PAX ran foolheartedly headlong into impossible odds this morning! Warmup: SSH IC (30) Imperial Walkers IC (30) Mosey Thang: 100 Merikans (1st PAX to hit it the group moves…
Warmup: Side Shuffle Hop Big Baby Arm Circles Prisoner Squats Main Event: Bear Crawl Circle of Fire Bear crawl until q says stop 10 Merkins Bear crawl until q says…