AO: Copper Beach

When: 04/21/2021


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: ChefB, Coco, Domo, Frostbyte, Gold Digger, Kingpin, Quick Books, Thighmaster,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: ThighMaster

The BackBlast:

8 PAX started the day strong at Copper Beach, where the plan was to drop BOMBS around the neighborhood, but we had a couple bonuses today…a big announcement from Quickbooks and an impromptu talent show by Kingpin…

First – it was a beautiful morning at the Beach…We enjoyed some mild weather…very little wind and temps in the mid 40s.  Not sure Frostbyte did anything to cause this great weather, but he gets the blame when its bad, soo….thank you Frostbyte!

In mid warm-up we got the big news that Quickbooks had been accepted to the Navy Officer program and will be a notch or two above the SEAL team in his upcoming assignment as Supply Officer. Man, Congrats brother – we are excited for where you are headed and know the last couple years  have had challenges while you tried to set this course. We will cue up some Village People, “In the Navy” in weeks to come.

Okay, on with the goods…


SSH IC x 30

LBAC forward and reverse IC x 11

Mountain Climbers IC x 20

Imperial Walkers IC x 10

Might have been one more…can’t remember

The Thang

We moseyed the lap to the south side and continued around the park and ended up on the north end where the trail intersects to begin dropping BOMBS.

10 – B – Burpees OYO

20 – O – Overhead Seal Claps IC

30 – M – Merkins SC

40 – B – Bradley Coopers SC

50 – S – Squats SC

We then moseyed West up the trail and crossed the road, and dropped another round of BOMBS.

We then moseyed around the circle leading through the neighborhood and stopped midway for another set of BOMBS.

We then moseyed back to the Cooper Beach for one final set of BOMBS, but we ran out of time for the last B and S.

We were however treated to talent show by MC Kingpin, who Beat Boxed through the 20 Overhead Seal Claps.  The only bad news of the morning is that the show had to end at some point…what a treat!


Discussed Chef B becoming the Site Q for AMP (Congrats Chef…AMP is in Good Hands! Bon appetite)

Discussed the need to get moving with 2nd F (Coco to take lead on the Grid event), Q Source (Kingpin thinking/discussing) and selection of positions (1st F, 2nd F, and 3rd F) – getting guys to lead and build momentum. More to come.

Covered Quickbooks in prayer and offered praise for his news

In closing – always an honor to get up and Q an F3 workout. Today was fast moving, fairly hard, and brisk. I liked the pace and push the PAX give each other. If we can do this, what can we not accomplish today. Let’s go lead and love well boys!




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